Calls for Projects (AAP) “Islam, Religion and Society”


About The Event

Each year, the central office of worship, attached to the direction of civil liberties and legal affairs of the Ministry of the Interior, publishes a call for projects intended to support research projects carried out by young researchers in Islamology or in the human sciences. and social studies on Islam in France.

In February 2015, the Government announced its desire to support research in Islamology and in human and social sciences on Islam in France. This decision resulted from a need for knowledge of the administration in these matters and followed the observation of a decline in Islamology in France (“White Paper” of GIS Middle East / Muslim Worlds and report “Rare Disciplines”, 2014).

It is in this context that the Ministry of the Interior implemented the research credits “Islam, religion and society”, piloted by the central office of religions which publishes each year a call for projects intended to finance research projects. involving young doctors.

The scientific council, made up of recognized academics, judges the quality and relevance of projects and delivers detailed opinions which are presented and discussed in meetings as part of a collegial discussion. The scientific council carries out a work of critical examination and prioritization of projects.

Then, the board of directors, made up of the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation and the National Research Agency, is responsible for selecting the proposed projects. by the scientific council and to break down the appropriations.

The research supported within the framework of the calls for projects sheds light on the complex dynamics of Islam in France and in Europe, through its different expressions, in the contemporary context, by showing the diversity of its currents, practices and discourses, as well. A multidisciplinary approach integrating sociology, anthropology, philosophy, law, economics, political science, history, philology, Islamology, educational science and information and communication sciences is encouraged.

Source: Minister of the Interior (France)

  • Cost: Free
  • Total Slot: 0
  • Booked Slot: 0

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