Report: What is a ‘Political Islam’?

Report: What is a 'Political Islam'?

Report: What is a ‘Political Islam’?

On August 12, as part of the forum MuslimDebate by the Alhambra Gesellschaft Mathias Rohe, Law Professor an Islamic Scientist at the FAU as well as founding rector of the EZIRE, participated in a discussion under the guiding question What is a “political Islam”? Together with Prof. Dr. Armina Omerika and Rusen Timur Aksak from Vienna, expressed their ideas about the controversial term “political Islam”, concrete problematic factors and related challenges for Muslims in Germany.

Political Islam has been preoccupying German and Austrian politics for weeks and months. In this discussion the beginnings of political Islam and their historical context were shown and an attempt was made to give a definition of political Islam. As clear as this term may seem at first glance, the more complex it becomes when you look at it more closely. One of the tasks of the Documentation Center for Political Islam in Austria, which is to be set up, is to try to define this term. The full discussion can be watched on Youtube.

Source: Muslim Debate

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