Online Workshop: “Islam in the RE Classroom”


About The Event

Call for Papers

Date: June 25 and July 02, 2022

Venue: Online (via Zoom)

Abstract Submission Deadline: 25 February 2022

These twin online workshops aim to enhance the quality of learning and teaching about Islam at GCSE and A-Levels. They aid both the academic-theoretical and practical-pedagogical aspects of conducting Religious Education through drawing on the best practices in the field in terms of curriculum design, agreed syllabi, textbooks, lesson design and delivery. They are jointly hosted by The Ismaili Tariqah and Religious Education Board (ITREB) for UK and the Aga Khan University – Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilizations, London (AKU-ISMC) and will be held virtually on Saturday 25th of June and Saturday 2nd of July 2022.

On one hand, the workshops aim to make teacher-practitioners more confident in teaching about Islam in mainstream secondary schools in the UK. On the other, they aim to initiate dialogue between the key stakeholders (include curriculum designers, researchers in relevant disciplines, PGCE RE faculty and trainee teachers) to ensure that Islam is represented with greater complexity in textbooks and the classroom.

The workshop also considers the broader social and political context of RE in Britain. What role can RE play in integrating different groups, in a modern Britain where ever larger numbers of children are members of religious diasporas and are highly conscious of political events overseas.

We intend to publish selected proceedings with the ISMC’s Muslim Contexts series with Edinburgh University Press.

Keynote Speakers

– Dr. Feriel Bouhafa is temporary University Lecturer at the Faculty of Divinity at Cambridge.

– Dr. Richard Kueh is Her Majesty’s inspector of Schools and the National subject lead for Religious Education at Ofsted.

– Dr. Anders Ackfeldt is a member of the Centre for Theology and Religious Studies at Lund University in Sweden.

– Dr. Farid Panjwani is Dean of the Institute for Educational Development, Aga Khan University, in Karachi, Pakistan.


  • Cost: Free
  • Total Slot: 0
  • Booked Slot: 0

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Online (via Zoom)


Our Speakers

Dr. Anders Ackfeldt
Dr. Farid Panjwani
Dr. Feriel Bouhafa
Dr. Richard Kueh
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