The 3rd Annual Statesmanship and Religious Freedom Seminar

About The Event
Date: January 24-February 18, 2022 (virtual) | May 18-20, 2022 (in-person)
Venue: Washington DC and Online
The Statesmanship and Religious Freedom Seminar is an annual program for college students co-sponsored by the Museum of the Bible (MOTB) and the Religious Freedom Institute (RFI). This year’s Seminar will unfold in two segments—a 4-week virtual program from January 24-February 18 that requires 2-3 hours of screen time each week, and a 3-day in person event in Washington DC from May 18-20.
Each segment requires a separate application, but please consider that students who want to participate in the Washington DC event must complete the virtual program (note that the Washington DC application is only made available to students upon completion of the virtual program application). Both segments include high-impact sessions with religious freedom scholars and advocates, multi-sensory and interactive learning experiences, visits to the Museum of the Bible and other sites throughout DC (DC Program only), and interactions with public officials currently working to advance religious freedom in the US and abroad.
Applications for the virtual program should be submitted by January 14, 2022, to receive full consideration.
Applications for the Washington DC program should be submitted by February 18, 2022, to receive full consideration.
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