Muslim Philanthropy in Latin America & the Latinx U.S.

Muslim Philanthropy in Latin America & the Latinx U.S.

About The Event

Call for Papers

Date: December 7-8, 2022

Venue: Online

Abstract Submission Deadline: October 1, 2022

While the literatures on Muslim philanthropy and on Latinx philanthropy are continuously expanding, they lack perspectives on how Latinx Muslims and Muslims in Latin America are part of a wider matrix of generosity, volunteering, and mutual aid within, and beyond, both constituencies. On the one hand, Muslims give to organizations and participate in philanthropic activism at local, national, and global levels, hoping to make the world a better place in accordance with Islam. On the other hand, people who identify as Latinx or who live in Latin America have historically engaged in acts of solidarity and mutual assistance among vulnerable populations, addressing issues related to poverty, education, health, and culture.

This colloquium and the resulting special edition of the Journal on Muslim Philanthropy and Civil Society (Indiana University Press) will help pave the way to move research on the intersections between Muslim and Latinx philanthropy further.

More information on: Latin America & Caribbean Islamic Studies

  • Cost: Free
  • Total Slot: 0
  • Booked Slot: 0

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