Religion and Migration: Culture and Policy


About The Event

3rd ANU Religion Conference

Call for Papers and Panels

Date: December 8-10, 2020

Venue: Sir Roland Wilson Building, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia

Proposal Deadline: April 30, 2020

The aim of this 3rd ANU Religion Conference is to explore the various phenomena related to religion and migration; the political and social transitions impacting upon the transnational religiosity of contemporary communities. We welcome proposals for individual papers and panels of 3-4 papers that address the conference theme, particularly the themes in the streams below. Papers and panels relevant to the main conference theme but not aligned to these streams are also very welcome.

Proposed streams:

1. Human movement and religious encounters: Migration and other forms of human movement bring us face-to-face with the other. How does religious identity shape the migrant experience? How is religious coexistence and conflict shaped by human movement?

2. Religion, migration and cultural change: Migration reconfigures relationships between religion, identity and culture. How do diasporic religious communities negotiate belonging? How are continuity and change reflected in the religious and cultural practices of migrant communities?

3. Immigration, religion and securitisation: Immigration, especially asylum-seeking, is increasingly approached as a matter of national security. How does religion interact with immigration and national security law? How have religious actors responded to the securitisation of immigration?

4. Multiculturalism, religion and law: Multiculturalism pluralises public life. How is religion practiced within multicultural societies? How are religious rights balanced against competing rights in secular multicultural societies?

5. Transnational religions in the Asia-Pacific region: Transnational religions have transformed cultures and regional customs, especially in the Asia-Pacific region. How are local religions mobilised in our transnational era? How have local cultures been altered by the impact of transnational religions?

6. Theory and Method in the Study of Religion and Migration: Religion and migration have been approached from diverse perspectives in the humanities, social sciences, theology, law and policy. How have established theories aided or hindered the study of religion and migration? How can new theories and methodologies enlighten experiences of religion and migration?

Confirmed Keynote Speakers

– Professor Sharon Erickson Nepstad (University of New Mexico)
– Professor Mike Smith (Australian National University and National Museum of Australia)
– Professor Richard Vokes (University of Western Australia)

Source: ANU

  • Cost: Free
  • Total Slot: 0
  • Booked Slot: 0

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Australian National University,

Canberra ACT 2601, Australia

Our Speakers

Professor Mike Smith
Professor Richard Vokes
Professor Sharon Erickson Nepstad
Sir Roland Wilson Building
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