Gender, Religion and Sexuality Symposium


About The Event

Date: June 29, 2019

Venue: The University of Newcastle Sydney, Sydney, Australia

This one-day symposium brings together postgraduate students and early career researchers working in the interdisciplinary area of religion, gender and sexuality to explore specific issues pertaining to study in this area.

• Masterclass 1 (9.30-1pm) Methodological and Ethical Issues in the Study of Religion, Gender and Sexuality

Leaders: Professor Emma Tomalin, University of Leeds; Dr Luke Gahan, La Trobe University

This masterclass will explore interdisciplinary approaches to and methodologies in the study of religion, gender and sexuality.

• Masterclass 2 (2.00-3.30) Safety in the Research Process

Leader: Dr Kathleen McPhillips, University of Newcastle

Researching across gender issues in the study of religion can expose us to challenging and difficult literature and field sites for which understanding and preparation is essential. This Masterclass will explore some of the pitfalls in the research process, the importance of setting up a safe research environment for participants and researchers and the importance of self-care.

• Discussion (4-5pm)

A final session will address the importance of mentoring for HDR and early career researchers as well as helpful tips about the move from post graduate student to researcher and academic.

Sponsored by

– The Women’s Caucus of the Australian Association for the Study of Religion
– The School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Newcastle
– Religion and Society Research Cluster, Western Sydney University
– Institute for Ethics and Society, Notre Dame University, Sydney
– Alfred Deakin Institute, Deakin University, Melbourne

Source: The Australian Association for the Study of Religion

  • Cost: Free
  • Total Slot: 0
  • Booked Slot: 0

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The University of Newcastle Sydney

The University of Newcastle Sydney, Sydney, Australia

Our Speakers

Dr Kathleen McPhillips
Professor Emma Tomalin
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