Islamic Studies; Theology, Divinity & Religious Studies


About The Event

The University of Edinburgh

Duration: 48 months

Degree type: Masters

Study mode: Full-time

Fees: £18,800

The University of Edinburgh has a long and well-established reputation for teaching Islamic about Islam and the history, culture and literature of the Middle East. Exploring past and present, through the study of language, literature, culture and history, both Islamic studies and Middle Eastern studies provide a comprehensive training in history, with an emphasis on critical and analytical skills.

The programs in this area involve discussion of key issues, practice in applying concepts, both in discussion and in writing, analysis and interpretation of material, and feedback sessions on coursework. In the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2014, the Islamic & Middle Eastern Studies research was part of the Area Studies submission. This was ranked first in Scotland and 74 per cent of its publications were rated either world-leading or internationally excellent.


  • Cost: $18.80
  • Total Slot: 0
  • Booked Slot: 0

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The University of Edinburgh

Old College, South Bridge, Edinburgh EH8 9YL, United Kingdom
Phone Number +44 131 650 1000

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