Perspectives on the Development of Islamic Law: Philosophy of Law & Islamic Medical Ethics

Perspectives on the Development of Islamic Law: Philosophy of Law & Islamic Medical Ethics

About The Event

International Conference “Perspectives on the Development of Islamic Law: Philosophy of Law & Islamic Medical Ethics

Call for Papers
November 8-9, 2024
Venue: Berlin Institute for Islamic Theology, Hannoversche Straße 6, 10115 Berlin, Germany
Abstract Submission Deadline: October 18, 2024

The international conference, organized by the Berlin Institute for Islamic Theology at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in coordination with the Arbeitskreis Medizinethik und Islam (FAU Forschungszentrum Erlanger Zentrum für Islam und Recht in Europa EZIRE, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) and the Gesellschaft für Arabisches und Islamisches Recht (GAIR), addresses contemporary developments in the field of Islamic Law from an interdisciplinary perspective.

The conference approaches the two main topics from a theory-led, conceptual perspective (Islamic philosophy of law) and with a practice-orientated and geographical focus on Germany (Islamic medical ethics).


Workshop Discussions

A separate panel for workshop discussions will be offered on 8 November 2024 for junior researchers working on one of the two main topics. Under the direction of Dr. Hadil Lababidi (Institute for Social Ethics, University of Zurich), there will be the opportunity to present research projects and/or qualification papers and thus make them accessible to a wider circle of interested parties. The papers can be presented in German or English. If you are interested, please register by 18 October 2024, stating the topic and a short description (80-100 words) via the general registration address for the conference (

If you would like to join the conference, please register with the organizers at by 18 October 2024.


Conference Program

Day 1:

  • Opening Session
    – Prof. Dr. phil. Serdar Kurnaz (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin)
    – Prof. Dr. phil. Hatem Elliesie, MLE (Universität Leipzig)
  • Panel 1: Philosophy of Law: An Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Perspective
    – Chair: Dr. Amin Ehteshámi (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin)

+ Elements of a Global Philosophy of Law
Dr. jur. Bertram Lomfeld (Freie Universität Berlin)

+ A Search for a New Field in Islamic Jurisprudence: Islamic Theological Perspectives on Philosophy of Law
Dr. phil. Serdar Kurnaz (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin)

  • Panel 2: Notions of Law
    Chair: Fatma Akan Ayyıldız (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin)

+ Devising Legal Reasons: Reconciling Liwāṭ laws with Textual Sources
Dr. Sara Omar (Georgetown University)

+ The Purpose of the Law: Why We Need It at All, and the Point of Punishment
phil. Hassan Rezakhany (University of Jyväskylä)

  • Panel 3: Workshop Discussions
    Chair: Dr. phil. Hadil Lababidi (Universität Zürich)

Day 2:

  • Panel 4: Islamrechtliche und medizinethische Fragen am Lebensende
    Chair: Beate Anam (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)

+ Darf ich sterben? Muslime in der palliativmedizinischen Versorgung
med. Volkan Aykaç (Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin)

+ “Worauf darf man verzichten?” Theologische Aspekte zu Fragen palliativer Versorgung muslimischer PatientInnen
phil. Martin Kellner (Universität Osnabrück)

  • Panel 5: Weibliche Genitalbeschneidung in Deutschland
    Chair: Dr. jur. Marina Langfeldt (Elisabeth-Selbert-Initiative)

+ Körperliche und psychosoziale Auswirkungen von FGM
med. Eiman Tahir (Gynäkologin)

+ Rechtliche Einordnung von FGM_Cs in Deutschland
Dr. jur. Anna Lena Göttsche (Technische Hochschule Köln)

  • Panel 6: Sociological Perspectives on Islamic Law
    Chair: Dr. phil. Aydın Süer (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)

+ An Islamic Perspective on Instituting Life
Dr. Armando Salvatore (McGill University)

  • Closing Session
    Prof. Dr. phil. Serdar Kurnaz (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
    Prof. Dr. phil. Hatem Elliesie, LLM (Universität Leipzig)


More information on: Berlin Institute for Islamic Theology

  • Cost: Free
  • Total Slot: 0
  • Booked Slot: 0


Berlin Institute for Islamic Theology

Hannoversche Str. 6, 10115 Berlin, Germany

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