Virtual Islamic Art History Seminar Series

Virtual Islamic Art History Seminar Series

About The Event

 Virtual Islamic Art History Seminar Series, Spring and Fall 2025

Call for Papers
Spring and Fall 2025 
All talks are presented via Zoom on Tuesdays at noon EST/5PM UK/7PM Turkey
Abstract Submission Deadline:
November 15, 2024
Subject Fields: Art, Art History & Visual Studies, Early Modern History and Period Studies, Fine Arts, Islamic History/ Studies, Middle East History/ Studies

Founded at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in May 2020, the Virtual Islamic Art History Seminar Series (VIAHSS) has brought together a diverse community of researchers from around the world interested in the history of art and visual culture in the Islamicate world. The series’ monthly virtual seminars and workshops have successfully filled a new niche in academic discourse. While travel has resumed and in-person events have begun again, the need for a forum which brings together international and intergenerational audiences in an inclusive and supportive fashion remains. They are now inviting proposals for paper presentations on topics related to the history of art, architecture, and visual culture of any time period from the Islamic world for spring and fall of 2025. They welcome submissions from current graduate students, faculty, curators, and independent scholars.

The virtual seminar series will take place on zoom from mid-January onwards. Each session will include a 20-30 minute presentation followed by a 20 minute discussion in a constructive and friendly manner. In addition to individual proposals they are also open to workshop proposals, which might include moderated discussions of pre-circulated papers, roundtables, discussions with practicing architects or artists, or other formats.

If you are interested in presenting, please upload an abstract detailing your topic (not more than 500 words) and your CV or resume by Friday, November 15, 2024, to this Google form: Additionally, you will be asked to include information about your location and time zone as they will have to find a time that works well for most participants. You may also express a preference or dispreference for a specific month based on your anticipated activities.

If you have any questions, please contact co-organizers Dr. Alexander Brey ( and Dr. Rachel Winter ( with the phrase “VIAHSS 2025 proposal” in the subject line.

To learn more about the series, take a look at:
Instagram: @theviahss


  • Cost: Free
  • Total Slot: 0
  • Booked Slot: 0




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