Author: Islamic Monitor

International Society for Islamic Legal Studies (ISILS)

International Society for Islamic Legal Studies (ISILS)

The International Society for Islamic Legal Studies (ISILS) was conceived in …

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Sociology of Islam Journal: Special Issue on Immigration, Political Economy and Islam

Sociology of Islam Journal: Special Issue on Immigration, Political Economy and Islam

Sociology of Islam, Volume 5, Issue 2-3, 2017 Editors-in-Chief: Gary Wood, Virginia Tech …

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France’s president challenges country’s Muslims

During a fast-breaking meal, the President Emmanuel Macron called on Muslim …

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CAIR report shows 2017 on track to becoming one of worst years ever for anti-Muslim hate crimes

CAIR report shows 2017 on track to becoming one of worst years ever for anti-Muslim hate crimes

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil …

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Muslims ‘absolutely’ the group most victimized by global terrorism, researchers say

This week’s terrorist attack targeting people leaving a London mosque after Ramadan prayers is part …

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Toronto Muslim and Jewish Women find power and joy in building a sisterhood

Toronto Muslim and Jewish Women find power and joy in building a sisterhood

With the establishment of the Toronto chapter of the Sisterhood of …

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United Nations Secretary-General launches first action plan for religious leaders to prevent incitement to violence

United Nations Secretary-General launches first action plan for religious leaders to prevent incitement to violence

The first ever action plan specifically designed to enable religious leaders …

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A new Boston ad campaign shows how people can combat Islamophobia

Boston has adopted a new method to combat Islamophobia. City authorities …

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Religious Freedom Project

Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs In the West, …

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House rejects controversial study of Islam

The U.S. House of Representatives on Friday rejected a controversial GOP proposal identifying …

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UK event hears call for action on anti-Muslim coverage

U.K. politicians should consider regulation to tackle the tide of negative …

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Young British Muslims are launching their own publications to provide a different media narrative

The editors of two magazines targeting Britain’s 2.8m Muslims have spoken …

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