EASR Working Group “Religion in Public Education”
October 17, 2016 2023-08-30 15:15EASR Working Group “Religion in Public Education”
EASR Working Group “Religion in Public Education”
The purpose of the EASR Working Group on Religion in Public Education is to critically study European ways of having or not having education about religion/s and to help promote a study-of-religions (SOR)/religious-studies (RS) approach to education about religion/s. This includes individual research, networking, conferences within and outside the EASR annual framework and related publications.
The objective of the European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR) is to promote the academic study of religions through the international collaboration of scholars normally resident in Europe whose research has a bearing on the subject (c.f. Constitution §3(i)).
The EASR is affiliated to the International Association for the History of Religions (IAHR) which is active on a worldwide basis. Most of the equivalent national associations within Europe hold corporate membership in the EASR. In a few cases this decision is pending. The EASR does not compete with any of these associations. Rather, it works in close cooperation with them and provides various networking services for this purpose.
i) Membership of the EASR shall be open to all students, researchers and others who share its objective, and who are normally or occasionally resident in or have close academic ties with a European country. Membership may take the form of individual membership, group membership via a national association, or honorary membership.
ii) Applications for individual membership shall be addressed to the appropriate officer of the EASR and the committee shall have the right to approve or reject such applications.
iii) The membership of any individual may be terminated by decision of the General Assembly for good and sufficient reason and after an opportunity for representations to the contrary has been extended.
iv) Individual members shall pay an annual subscription, the amount of which shall be determined from time to time by the committee. The rights and privileges of membership depend on payment of the membership subscription in advance for the membership period in question. Lapsed membership may be restored with reference to a subsequent membership period without further application.
v) Group membership may be sought by the national associations in European countries which are affiliated to the IAHR. In such cases, the payment of a single, reduced subscription by the national association for the membership period in question shall be sufficient to ensure membership rights including voting rights for all of its individual members whose names and addresses are provided by its officers. It shall, conversely, be the duty of the national association to convey essential information to its own members, for example concerning EASR conferences, the General Assembly, and elections to the Committee.
vi) Honorary membership may be granted to individuals by the General Assembly in exceptional cases with the same rights and privileges as ordinary individual membership.
Website: http://easr.org/index.php?id=1470