2018 Luce-Hartford Conference: God’s Creation and Human Responsibility
About The Event
Date: June 18, 2018
Venue: Hartford Seminary, Hartford, CT, USA
Climate change and environmental concerns are major issues facing communities across the globe. The effects of climate change have already had major economic, political, and cultural impacts. In fact, the discussions around the 2016 Paris Agreement and the 1997 Kyoto Protocol have sparked international debate about climate change and the role of human accountability. Concerns about the environment have also prompted cultural shifts in actions and expectations about environmental responsibility.
Theological understandings of creation and the environment and concepts of environmentally conscious spirituality are not new among Christians and Muslims. Yet, the dramatic rise in environmental concerns has prompted creative thinking among religious communities and organizations. The 2018 Luce-Hartford conference on Christian-Muslim Relations will address the topic of “God’s Creation and Human Responsibility.” The conference will explore theological reflection and scriptural references to climate change. The conference will be a forum for the sharing and exploration of “green projects” and environmentally responsible ventures among Christian and Muslim communities. In addition to one Muslim and one Christian keynote speaker, and religious leaders from various organizations, attendees of the conference will be invited to network opportunities for work in environmentally responsible activities from a faith-based perspective.
More information at: Hartford Seminary’s Website
Hartford Seminary
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