“British Muslim Studies at 50: Retrospect and Prospect”


About The Event

Call for Papers

Date: September 14-15, 2022

Abstract Submission Deadline: June 15, 2022

Organizer: The Muslims in Britain Research Network, The Islam-UK Centre, Cardiff University

Over the past decade or so, British Muslim Studies (BMS) has seen the emergence and flourishing of successive cohorts of scholars from within Muslim communities – complicating and enriching the field by interrogating definitions, concepts and parameters of understanding. This, coupled with the long tradition of engagement and partnership with community institutions, practitioners and grassroots spaces means it is an exciting time for BMS and an apt moment to cast a retrospective glance over the past 50 years, while looking ahead towards future prospects.

This conference will examine some of the main contributions to BMS, including a specific focus on research institutes and centers. It will also pay tribute to two recently departed pioneers of BMS: Professors Mohammed Anwar and Ataullah Siddiqui.

We invite abstract submissions for papers, which showcase emergent research topics and directions in British Muslim Studies. We are keen to receive abstracts from PhD scholars and early career academics and are particularly interested in proposals corresponding to the following themes:

 Co-production/collaboration between researchers and communities
 Synergies (or tensions) between academe and practitioners
 Innovative research methods and interrogation/problematisation of extant methods

Source: https://mbrn.org/

  • Cost: Free
  • Total Slot: 0
  • Booked Slot: 0

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The Islam-UK Centre, Cardiff University

The Muslims in Britain Research Network, The Islam-UK Centre, Cardiff University

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