Canon to Critique: The Future of Islamic Education


About The Event

Date: November 19, 2016 @ 11:00 – 13:00

Venue: Bait ul Aman Mosque, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD3 9JT, UK

For at least a decade there has been a growing movement of young British Muslims who choose to travel abroad to study at religious seminaries (madrasas). However, the madrasa system is controversial: on one hand, it is perceived in the West as a conduit of extremism and, on the other, as an institution lacking pedagogic criticality.

In a lecture by Dr Tajul Islam (University of Leeds), followed by a dialogue between Dr Islam and Dr Mustapha Sheikh (University of Leeds), probing questions will be asked about the classical madrasa model, the problems associated with non-critical engagement with canonical texts in pedagogic settings, and ways of approaching texts from a position of both critical engagement and sensitivity/respect.

An academic discussion of this kind within the setting of a mosque makes for a unique opportunity not to be missed; additionally, there will be time for audience participation following the presentation and conversation.

The event takes place on the ground floor of the mosque and is open to all genders. Visitors should be dressed modestly, although no head covering is required. There is disabled access to the facility.

This event is part of the Being Human festival – the UK’s only national festival of the humanities. As our festival events are free, not everyone who asks for tickets comes to our events.


  • Cost: Free
  • Total Slot: 0
  • Booked Slot: 0

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Bait ul Aman Mosque

Bait ul Aman Mosque, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD3 9JT, UK

Our Speakers

Dr Mustapha Sheikh
Dr Tajul Islam
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