CFP: Eleventh International Conference on Religion & Spirituality in Society
About The Event
Call for Papers
Date: June 3-4, 2021
Venue: The University of Córdoba, Córdoba, Spain
The conference features research addressing the annual themes and the 2021 Special Focus: Modeling Traditions from the Margins: Non-Canonical Writings in Religious Systems.
We invite proposals for paper presentations, workshops/interactive sessions, posters/exhibits, colloquia, focused discussions, innovation showcases, virtual posters, or virtual lightning talks.
The scope of this conference, journal, book series, and online Research Network is as broad as possible in the field of religious studies. Together, these forums seek to create a space for the representation of any and all perspectives on the role of religion and spirituality in society. We also welcome a wide variety of disciplinary practices. The perspectives captured in these spaces range from committed within-religion views, to comparative or pan-religious views, to areligious empirical or theoretical readings of the role of religion and spirituality in society. Above all, they provide spaces for open dialogue on the sources of foundational or essential meaning.
We invite proposals for paper presentations, workshops/interactive sessions, posters/exhibits, or colloquia addressing one of the following themes:
• THEME 1: Religious Foundations
• THEME 2: Religious Community and Socialization
• THEME 3: Religious Commonalities and Differences
• THEME 4: The Politics of Religion
The University of Córdoba
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