CFP: Special Issue on “Islam and Muslim Socialites of Latin America”


About The Event

International Journal of Latin American Religions

Editor-in-Chief: Frank Usarski

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

Submission Deadline: September 31, 2022

In recent decades, global Islamic studies expanded to include geographies and cultures beyond a conventional Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) core. Research in South Asia, Europe, Asia, and sub-Saharan Africa widened the field’s scope, introducing fresh, critical understandings into scholarly discourses about Islam and Muslims’ lived realities across the world. Nonetheless, global Islamic studies’ scope still fails to fully incorporate marginal geographies and the study of Islam beyond the MENA remains underrepresented. This is particularly evident when it comes to Latin America.

This thematic issue invites articles presenting research results from various disciplines, geographies, and historical periods — from the “long” 16th century to today — dealing with the broad theme of “Islam and Muslim socialities of Latin America.” Through case studies and original research, articles should move beyond population surveys, overviews of immigrant communities, and questions of conversion to address theoretical and methodological gaps in the respective fields of global Islam and/or Latin American religion.

Approaches can be informed by various disciplinary (or multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary) perspectives in the social sciences and the humanities, (e.g., anthropology, economics, history, literature and cultural studies, political science, and sociology). Especially welcome are submissions dealing with questions of (post)coloniality, gender, race, interreligious encounter, precarity, resilience, transregionalism, materiality, and/or affect.

Source: Latin America & Caribbean Islamic Studies

  • Cost: Free
  • Total Slot: 0
  • Booked Slot: 0

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International Journal of Latin American Religions


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