Contemporary Religion in Historical Perspective: Publics and Performances
About The Event
Date: February 19-21, 2018
Venue: Kents Hill, Milton Keynes, UK
Themes: Education, Media, Pilgrimage, Politics, Ritual, Spirituality
Bringing historical perspective to the contemporary role of religion in the public sphere, this conference will include contributions from practitioners and third-sector organizations, who bring their perspectives to the academy to consider the public impact of Religious Studies.
– At a time when the public role of the University is under increasing scrutiny, how can we ensure that research and teaching about religions reaches new publics?
– What can we do to enhance religious literacy both within and beyond religious and non-religious communities?
– How is ritual and performance involved in communication between religious communities, the academy, policy makers and the broader public?
– Are there ways in which we can learn from the past in better understanding such channels of communication?
Keynote Speakers
- Bettina Schmidt, University of Wales Trinity Saint David
The contentious field of the study of religious experience: The challenging influence of Rudolf Otto, Andrew Lang and other founding fathers
- Stephen Sutcliffe, University of Edinburgh
Playing the Long Game: The Predicament of the Scholar of Religion/s between Academic Researcher and Public Intellectual
- Philip Williamson, Durham University
Remembrance day: the British churches and national commemoration of the war dead since 1914
For any enquiries, please contact the Conference Organizers Paul-François Tremlett and David G. Robertson on
Source: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, The Open University
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