Diploma in Usul al Deen – The Fundamentals of Islam

About The Event
Diploma in Usul al-Deen is a unique program dealing with the fundamentals of Islam at an extraordinarily deep level. The program consists of courses on the pillars of Islam as well as dawah to help encapsulate and present the fundamentals to the people around us.
By the end of this 6-month diploma, students will:
– Learn how the Five Pillars of Islam are profoundly connected to Islam’s objectives
– Learn aspects of the external practice (fiqh) of the five pillars (shahada, prayer, zakat, etc.) & the fiqh of dawah
About the Instructor:
Shaykh Dr Akram Nadwi is best known for his encyclopedic 57-volume work on Al-Muhaddithat (The Female Scholars of Hadith). In addition to being a recognized authority of the Arabic Language and Islamic Sciences, he has over 30 years’ experience in teaching in both Islamic institutes and Western universities, such as Oxford University. He has authored and translated over 25 titles relating to Arabic and Islamic Sciences. His introductory books on Arabic Grammar, Morphology, Principles of Tafsir, Hadith and Fiqh are used all over the world in Islamic institutes and colleges.
Course Modules:
- La-ilaaha-illallah – Understanding the Shahada for True Servitude to Allah
- The Real Fiqh of Salah
- The Treasures of Ramadhan – Detailed Study of Ramadhan Focusing on Purification & Self-Development
- The Inner and Outer Dimensions of Zakat
- The Journey of Hajj – In The Footsteps of Ibrahim (AS)
- Purposeful Dawah – The Art of Inviting to Allah according to Qur’an and Seerah
This Course is suitable for both beginner and advanced students as although it covers the fundamentals but at level that is far deeper than any other program of its kind. It is also suitable for new Muslims and those who have doubts about Islam as the course discusses challenges and questions of faith and practice in an intellectually challenging and spiritually uplifting manner.
Source: Cambridge Islamic College
Cambridge Islamic College
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