From the Understanding Sharia Project: USPPIP Autumn School


About The Event

“Uses of the Past in Islamic Legal Thought and Practice”

Call for Applications

Date: November 11-17, 2018

Venue: Leiden University, The Netherlands

Application Deadline: September 5, 2018

The USPPIP project (Understanding Shari’a: Perfect Past, Imperfect Present) invites advanced doctoral students and early career researchers in the area of Islamic Legal Studies, to apply to participate in the USPPIP Autumn School.

The USPPIP project held a successful “Uses of the Past in Islamic Legal Thought and Practice” summer school in Exeter (8th-14th July). To follow up on this, the project will be holding a second “Autumn School”, to be held at Leiden University, 11th-17th The format will be the same (peer review of chapters/articles and collaborative translation of primary source texts).

The aims of the Autumn School are for the participants to:

1. Share research findings in Islamic law and gain feedback from the peers and the USPPIP project team, preparing that research for publication.
2. Contribute to the research agenda of the USPPIP project through discussions and translations of original source material not currently available in English.
3. Network with an international group of scholars and explore new avenues for future research in Islamic legal studies.
4. Develop an understanding of the various uses of the past in the Islamic legal tradition.

Proposals dealing with custom and Islamic law, the focus of the USPPIP Leiden research team are particularly encouraged.

Autumn School activities will include:

1. The presentation and discussion of a pre‐distributed piece of research writing (maximum 10,000 words) from each participant.
2. The development of a translation (with introduction and/or commentary) of original source material, previously unavailable in English which informs our study of the “uses of the past” in Islamic law (maximum 3000 words in English).

Six fully-funded places are available on the Autumn School. Funding will include travel to and from Leiden, accommodation and subsistence whilst in Leiden.

USPPIP is a collaborative project of the universities of Exeter, Bergen, Göttingen and Leiden. The project (running from 2016 to 2018) aims to explore how the past is employed in Islamic legal thought and practice with a focus on the areas of violence, the state, gender and custom. USPPIP director is Robert Gleave, Professor of Arabic Studies, Director of the Centre for the Study of Islam.

“Uses of the Past in Islamic Law”

“Uses of the Past in Islamic Law” Project Conference, 27th-29th September, Exeter, will be held in Exeter. A list of panel titles and a preliminary program is available and the final list, with all the participants and titles of papers will be available in late August.

HERA fellow Judge Samoud al-Damiri and workshop on Islamic International Law

There was a very successful series of lectures and a workshop at the University of Göttingen, including the presentations of the HERA fellow Samoud al-Damiri, a Palestinian judge, and the workshop on Islamic International Law – 26th-29th June.

More information on:

  • Cost: Free
  • Total Slot: 0
  • Booked Slot: 0

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Leiden University

Leiden University, The Netherlands

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