Introduction to Shiʿa Studies

Introduction to Shiʿa Studies

About The Event

A Series of Online Courses

The World Federation are running a series of online courses entitled ‘Introduction to Shīʿa Studies’. The first in the series will cover Ḥadīth with Shaykh Kumail Rajani. This will include ten lessons running from March 2017 through to May 2017.

Registered, in the United Kingdom, The World Federation of Khoja Shia Ithna-Asheri Muslim Communities has existed for over 30 years. It’s a faith-based organization, consisting of about 125,000 community members worldwide, mainly in Canada, East Africa, India, Middle East, Pakistan, The United Kingdom and the United States of America.  The World Federation is an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations and exists to achieve the pleasure of Allah SWT by developing spiritual and vibrant communities serving humanity.

The World Federation enables its member institutions to promote the values and practices of the Islamic Shia Ithna Asheri Faith for the spiritual and material wellbeing of humanity at large.


  • Cost: Free
  • Total Slot: 0
  • Booked Slot: 0

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