Islam & Atheism: Irreconcilable Enemies?
About The Event
How can Humanist & Muslims make it work?
Date: November 13, 2017
Venue: Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL, UK
Modern Britain is a plural society. Around one in twenty of us – and one in eight Londoners – identifies as a Muslim, including some who have converted to Islam. At the same time, around half the population no longer identifies with any religion, and over one in five has a broadly humanist worldview (whether or not they call themselves humanists).
Most humanists are atheists, including some ex-Muslims. And there’s plenty of diversity on all sides. Yes, unbelief and belief are “irreconcilable”. But does that make every form of Islam and Humanism or, more importantly, people who are Muslims and humanists/atheists, irreconcilable enemies?
Looking beyond the simple belief/unbelief divide, where are there fundamental differences?
Where is there common ground?
What can Muslims and atheists do to help make our plural society work better?
Four leading speakers, from diverse backgrounds, will share their views and experience under the guidance of an expert Chair.
- Samira Ahmed – journalist, writer and presenter of BBC TV’s ‘Newswatch’ and Radio 4’s PM, The World Tonight, Sunday and Front Row
- Arzoo Ahmed – Director, Centre for Islam and Medicine
- Andrew Copson – Chief Executive, Humanists UK
- Dilwar Hussain – Chair, New Horizons in British Islam
- Aliyah Saleem – Co-founder, Faith to Faithless
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