Islamic Ethics: Theological, Methodological and Applied Issues


About The Event

CILE California Summer School 2019

Date: 27 July – 1 August 2019

Venue: California Islamic University, 598 S State College Blvd, Fullerton, California, USA

The Research Center for Islamic Legislation and Ethics (CILE), member of the College of Islamic Studies (CIS) in Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU) is very pleased to host its 2019 Summer School Edition in the USA. It will take place from the 27th of July to the 1st of August in California.

the 2019 CILE Summer School in collaboration with the California Islamic University (CIU) is an attempt to explore the possibility that ethics can revive Islamic theology and its epistemological and methodological requirements. Those insights will then be explored through three applied areas, 1) Islam Bioethics, 2) Gender Issues 3) Migration and Human Rights.

There’s no specific academic requirement. However, candidates should have a particular interest in Islamic studies in general. At the end of the summer school, CILE will be happy to award all attendees a Certificate of Achievement.

Registration and more information on:

  • Cost: Free
  • Total Slot: 0
  • Booked Slot: 0

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California Islamic University

California Islamic University, 598 S State College Blvd, Fullerton, California, USA

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