Media in Muslim Contexts: Inventing and Reinventing Identities

About The Event
By The Aga Khan University’s Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilizations (ISMC) and Graduate School of Media and Communications (GSMC)
DATE: November 3-4, 2016
Venue: The Aga Khan University, 210 Euston Road, London NW1 2DA, UK
The international conference on Media in Muslim Contexts will bring together a broad and international range of researchers, policy-makers and practitioners, from a variety of disciplinary and geographical backgrounds. Keynote addresses and panels feature over 40 speakers addressing themes such as media and the invention of history; media and the nation; media as vehicles of resistance; iconoclasm and image wars, satire, the impact of new media and social media, studies of media in local contexts and media and youth culture. The conference is organized and hosted by the Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilizations of The Aga Khan University at its campus in London, and is organized in cooperation with the University’s Graduate School of Media and Communications in Nairobi.
- Day 1, November 3rd:
– “Creative Insurgency and Counter-Insurgency: From the Arab Uprisings to the Rise of Daesh” – Marwan Kraidy
– Session 1
Panel A: Muslims, Satire and Global Media
Panel B: Cinema and the Nation
Panel C: Humor and the Politics of National Identity
– “The Past Progressive: History and Belonging in Syrian Social Drama” – Christa Salamandra
– Session 2
Panel A: Modern Media and Religious Identities
Panel B: Satire in National Contexts
Panel C: Popular Resistance and the Media
– “Producing and Consuming Islam: Technology, Media and the Politics of Religious Knowledge” – Peter Mandaville
- Day 2, November 4th:
– “Image Wars: Arab Media Dilemma Abroad and at Home” – Hafez Al-Mirazi
– Session 3
Panel A: Media and Local Politics
Panel B: Media and the Nation
Panel C: Identity on Screen
– Session 4
Panel A: Religion in the Age of Social Media
Panel B: Social Media and Resistance
Panel C: Media and Social History
Source: Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations (ISMC) | Aga Khan University
The Aga Khan University
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