Muslim Chaplaincy: Practice, Research and Recognition

Muslim Chaplaincy: Practice, Research and Recognition

About The Event

Muslim Chaplaincy: Practice, Research and Recognition

Call for Papers
June 24-26, 2025
Venue: University of Fribourg, Bd. de Pérolles 90, 1700 , Switzerland
Abstract Submission Deadline: October 1, 2024

The University of Fribourg (Switzerland) and Cardiff University (Wales) are organizing an International Conference on Muslim Chaplaincy, taking place in Fribourg, from June 24th to 26th, 2025.

The growth of Muslim involvement in chaplaincy in numerous Western countries over recent decades has been the catalyst for the emergence of a new international field of research, namely, Muslim Chaplaincy Studies. Although the demography of Muslim communities is variable, as are the economic, political, historical, and social contexts in which they live, there are nevertheless some common issues facing Muslim chaplains as they develop their profession.

This conference brings together leading practitioners and international researchers in Muslim Chaplaincy Studies, thereby creating a dialogue at the interface of research and reflective practice. Important current topics will be discussed, and perspectives for further contouring of the research field will be developed.

The conference aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from different academic backgrounds. Contributions are welcome from diverse fields such as Education and Pedagogy, Gender Studies, Interreligious Relations, Islamic Studies, Islamic Theology, Medicine, Sociology, Philosophy and Ethics, Pastoral Care, Spiritual Care, and Psychology.


Keynote Lecturers:

  • Bilal Ansari (Hartford International University for Religion and Peace – USA),
  • Navid Baig (University of Oslo – Norway)
  • Claire de Galembert (University of Paris Nanterre – France)
  • Mallory Schneuwly Purdie and Esma Isis-Arnautovic (University of Fribourg – Switzerland)
  • Nazila Isgandarova (University of Toronto – Canada)
  • Sophie Gilliat-Ray and Ameira Bahadur (Cardiff University – Wales)
  • Andrew Todd (Anglia Ruskin University – UK)
  • Ingrid Mattson (Huron University – Canada)


Proposals are invited for individual academic papers, as well as workshops and posters from academics and postgraduate researchers. The invitation is extended to chaplaincy practitioners beyond the academic world who have expertise and valuable insights to share (chaplains of various institutions and domains such as hospitals, prisons, asylum centers, the army, schools and universities, youth centers, homes for the elderly, etc.).

The academic papers will be presented in four parallel sessions. Three priority topics for papers are as follows, though further relevant topics within Muslim Chaplaincy Studies are also welcome:

  • Gender Issues
  • Training and Professionalization
  • Theological and Shari’a Issues

Please submit a 1500 to 2000 character abstract for your paper, workshop, or poster proposal. The proposal should contain the general aim of your contribution, the discipline, and the methodology, as well as a biographical note (max. 250 characters). The submission deadline is October 1st, 2024.

More information on: Université de Fribourg

  • Cost: Free
  • Total Slot: 0
  • Booked Slot: 0


University of Fribourg

Av. de l'Europe 20, 1700 Fribourg, Switzerland

Our Speakers

Andrew Todd (Anglia Ruskin University – UK)
Bilal Ansari (Hartford International University for Religion and Peace – USA)
Claire de Galembert (University of Paris Nanterre – France)
Ingrid Mattson (Huron University – Canada)
Mallory Schneuwly Purdie and Esma Isis-Arnautovic (University of Fribourg – Switzerland)
Navid Baig (University of Oslo – Norway)
Nazila Isgandarova (University of Toronto – Canada)
Sophie Gilliat-Ray and Ameira Bahadur (Cardiff University – Wales)
Register online, get your ticket, meet up with our inspirational speakers and specialists in the field to share your ideas.

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