ONLINE Lecture: “Enlightening Europe on Islam and the Ottomans”

About The Event
Date: May 14, 2021, 12:30 pm EST
Venue: Online (via Zoom)
Lecturer: Carter V. Findley (Ohio State University), Ottoman and Turkish Studies Initiative, New York University
This was the most authoritative work ever yet published on Islam and the Ottomans. Profusely illustrated with 233 engravings, the work also offered the century’s richest collection of visual imagery on the Ottomans and opened deep insights into the processes and politics of illustrated book production in this period.
Everything the enlightened despot needed to know to get along with the padişah of Islam, all in one triumph of Parisian illustrated book production. Mouradgea d’Ohsson’s Tableau général de l’Empire othoman provided just that guidance in the Enlightenment’s most authoritative work on Islam and the Ottomans. As its long subtitle states, his work has two parts: one on Islamic law, the other on the state. Magnificently illustrated with 233 engravings, the work offers the 18th century’s richest collection of visual documentation on the Ottomans and opens deep insights into the processes and politics of illustrated book production in this period.
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