Summer School 2020: Justice and Mercy
About The Event
Discussing the Divine Attributes in Muslim-Christian Dialogue
Date: August 10-14, 2020
Venue: Online
Organized by: The University of Paderborn, Germany; and part of the project “Building bridges between traditional thought and analytical philosophy – Rethinking Divine Attributes in Islam and Christianity” which is funded by the Templeton Foundation
It has been a major question in traditional theological thinking how the Divine Attributes are to be understood. Recent debates in analytical philosophy have allowed new approaches that, however, are often not linked to those traditional debates. The project “Building bridges between traditional thought and analytical philosophy – Rethinking Divine Attributes in Islam and Christianity” aims at bringing the traditional theological discussions in touch with the modern analytical debate. Questions about the attributes of Omnipotence and Omniscience, Justice and Mercy, Simplicity and Divine Action will be explored in three consecutive Summer Schools. The second one, “Mercy and Justice”, will take place in Paderborn in August 2020.
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