The Great Women of Islam


About The Event

On 25th March, Interpal held a one-day seminar on “The Great Women of Islam” including inspirational talks, panel discussion and auction.

In our daily lives, we are often looking to be inspired by great people. What better way than to be inspired by The Great Women of Islam? From Khadijah (RA) the first women to believe in Islam, to Asiyah (RA) the wife of Fir’aun, who fought oppression and Fatima (RA) the greatest of examples, who embodied the qualities of courage, loyalty, humility and selflessness.

The event delivered two inspirational talks – ‘Asiyah RA – How she dealt with Oppression’ by Esharat Nasar Ahmed and ‘Women of Islam and how they have evolved’ by Ameena Blake looking back in history to identify how historical Islamic events relate to the struggles of modern day Palestine. After these lectures Musa Adnan gave a male’s point of view of the topic and at the end there was a great panel discussion with speakers.

Source: The Muslim Council of Britain

  • Cost: Free
  • Total Slot: 0
  • Booked Slot: 0

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Interpal, London, UK

Our Speakers

Ameena Blake
Esharat Nasar Ahmed
Musa Adnan
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