The Oxford Muslim-Christian Summer School 2023
About The Event
Date: August 16-23, 2023
Venue: Centre for Muslim-Christian Studies, Oxford, UK
The Oxford Muslim-Christian Summer School is a residential week of shared study between Muslims and Christians, in which we explore our differences with integrity and respect.
Our Summer School is a unique residential program designed for men and women who are currently, or have recently finished, studying at Christian or Islamic theological colleges training for vocational, faith-based careers in the UK, and who hope one day to be leaders within their local communities.
The week-long course brings together practicing Christians and Muslims to share academic study on topics of common interest that breaks down barriers, enhances the student’s own studies, and equips them for their future careers. Students attend lectures, workshops and tutorials led by Christian and Muslim academics exploring sacred texts, shared history, contemporary issues and difficult questions.
The focus is on shared study and understanding of both the similarities and the differences between Christians and Muslims of diverse traditions. Participants discuss difficult topics, disagreements and social problems in a spirit of respect and empathy—not just towards people of other faiths but towards those from other traditions within their own faith community with whom they might have theological differences.
More information on: The Centre for Muslim-Christian Studies
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