Population of Muslim converts increases in Norway


Population of Muslim converts increases in Norway

The famous Norwegian historian Kari Vogt, from Oslo University’s Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages, has estimated that as much as 3,000 Norwegians converted to Islam in the recent few years, Verdens Gang reported.

“The previous trend of conversion to Islam in Norway has now changed drastically. Now, women are choosing Islam after reading and researching about Islam,” Dr. Vogt notes to the fact that previously Norwegian women were believed to convert to Islam as a result of marrying Muslim men.

The professor realized that the number of Norwegians choosing to become Muslim since the 1990s has substantially increased. Her report showed that the number of converted Muslims in the Scandinavian country during the 1990s was around 500 while this number has reached around 3,000 in the recent years.

An example of this new trend is Monica Salmouk, a converted Muslim since 2014. She explained that she chose Islam after researching and reading a number of books about the religion. Salmouk said she visited the Islamic Cultural Center (ICC) mosque in Greenland, Oslo and chose to adopt Islam as her religion…

Source: aboutislam.net

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