Awaiting the Awaited One

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About Awaiting the Awaited One

Through tears and prayers, Berak Hussain expresses her longing for the reappearance of Imam Mahdi in ‘Awaiting the Awaited One.’ Her words capture the heartache and hope of those who wait for the arrival of our beloved savior.



Awaiting the Awaited One

Words begin to fail me this time

As I begin to write from this heart of mine


They did not come so easily

And my hands shook readily

From the shame and fear

That I do not know my Imam and my eyes tear


My eyes tear that I do not know him

As serving him does not mean I beat my chest for Hussain in vain

While I wait for his reappearance

from his lengthy disappearance


What does it mean to

Await the Awaited One..?


The Promised one

The Savior of Humanity old and young

The one who Prophet Jesus will pray behind him with a true tongue


The one whose mother was a Roman Princess

Held captive becoming a free slave in an instant

Born in secrecy even his birth was awaited

In suspense, fear, and desire despite the hated


Imam at 5, a child prodigy

From Muhammad’s Progeny

Is his name Muhammad Al Mahdi

The Guiding One


The One who Guides the hearts lost

In this world’s temptations, we get so lost


Forgetting our past, history, and cause

Do we not stop and pause?


To think, to meditate, and contemplate

What it means to be a virtuous human of weight


To love our brothers and sisters in humanity

As our Amir Ali  and Amira Fatima taught us in his service to humanity

Ya Mahdi


He is the living Imam Ali of our time

He is the living Imam Hassan of our time

He is the living Imam Hussain of our time

Labbayk Ya Hussain We Cry

And say we wish we were with you that day and time


Yet why do we not give him of our time

To get rid of our soul’s grime

As he is THE Imam of our time


72 years gone the first time

and comes and goes he does from time to time


Appearing and offering prayers In Jamkaran and Karbala

In our visions, dreams, and between worlds

In the direction of the blessed and holy Ka3ba

Will we ever see him other than in these words


In the Name of our Beloveds

How are we preparing for him and his lovers

A promised legion of three thirteen

Of old and young wearing the green

Of Ale Bayt Yaseen

From the eleven

We have been promised the heavens

Do we deserve this salvation…

From the day of redemption…?


What does it mean to celebrate this day

The 15th of Sha’ban night and day

Lighting the candles and

Writing the A’reetha

Of promises and desires

Wanting peace and Sakina

the luminous full moon

Filling the night’s skies

And filling our open hearts

Dropping notes in the rivers and oceans

Hoping and wishing for our motions

To be conjured from our Master’s hands


I ask you…are you ready…?

He is waiting for us… we are not waiting for him…

This world has lost its path

As day by day, we are full of wrath

Not loving not caring for our brother’s lives

Disunity and hatred turning on each other’s backs

Your lovers attacked for loving you

Makes the heart sick with this lack of empath


To the Beloved we turn as the guides on the right path

As hell burns all around us we turn to the light

The Salvation so Bright

To understand that this life is truly seconds in sight

So how do you choose to live it…?

Ignorance of its plight?


Or turn to the lighted guiding one

With a pure heart of one

To understand what it means to celebrate this one

And understand that we are indeed all one


All on the same humane path to be won

Hand in hand we stand

With a hand on our head in honour of the living awaited one we pray and say:


O Allah, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

O Allah, be, for Your representative, the Hujjat (proof),

Son of Al-Hasan, Your blessings be on him and his forefathers,

in this hour and in every hour, a guardian, a protector, a leader,

a helper, a proof, and an eye. until You make him live on the earth,

in obedience (to You), and cause him to live in it for a long time.

Mowlid May 9, 2016/7

Cast and Crew


Berak Hussain

Poet and Narrator


Sayed Mostafa Sayed Rezazadeh


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