Tag: racism

British Muslims prepare to leave UK after Boris Johnson wins election

British Muslims prepare to leave UK after Boris Johnson wins election

British Muslims have started the process of leaving the UK over …

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Greece: ‘Attack on Muslim cemetery shows rising Islamophobia’

Greece: ‘Attack on Muslim cemetery shows rising Islamophobia’

A recent attack on a Muslim cemetery in Greece shows the …

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Austria passes law banning hijab in primary schools but not Sikh turban or Jewish kippah

The Austrian parliament has approved a law banning girls in primary …

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Anti-extremist policy targeting UK Muslims successfully appealed

The UK’s so-called ‘counter-extremism’ Prevent strategy has always been a controversial …

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Islamophobia: Still a Challenge for Us All

Islamophobia: Still a Challenge for Us All

  A 20th Anniversary Report: Islamophobia: Still a Challenge for Us …

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Anti-Islamophobia kit launched in European Parliament

Anti-Islamophobia kit launched in European Parliament

In the wake of growing racism across Europe, a project to …

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The European day of action against Islamophobia and religious intolerance

The European day of action against Islamophobia and religious intolerance

Many Muslims still remember the killing of a pregnant Muslim woman …

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Canada moves forward with anti-Islamophobia measures

The Canadian Parliament is debating a motion urging the government to …

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In France, a Jewish historian is tried for "anti-Muslim remarks"

In France, a Jewish historian is tried for “anti-Muslim remarks”

Paris has tried almost all of them, the nonconformist critics of Islam: Oriana …

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These Muslims Are Praying in a Basement While Fighting to Get Their Mosque Built

These Muslims Are Praying in a Basement While Fighting to Get Their Mosque Built

Muslims in Bayonne, New Jersey, have wanted an Islamic center and …

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