Tag: US

Renowned US activist Shaun King and his wife embrace Islam

Renowned US activist Shaun King and his wife embrace Islam

The activist’s decision was inspired by the Palestinian people’s steadfast commitment …

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US Muslims gave more to charity than other Americans in 2020

US Muslims gave more to charity than other Americans in 2020

Muslim Americans gave more to charity in 2020 than non-Muslims, we …

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Hundreds rally in US cities against anti-Muslim violence in Delhi

Hundreds of Indian Americans of different faiths rallied outside Indian consulates …

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Muslims Respond to the US Gulf Crisis 2020

Muslims Respond to the US Gulf Crisis 2020

The following joint statement was issued by the Muslim Public Affairs …

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Growth of Muslims in US creates need for religious scholars

Growth of Muslims in US creates need for religious scholars

Shaykh Amir Mukhtar Faezi is the founder of Ahl Al-Bayt Islamic …

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US airport renamed after Muslim legend Muhammad Ali

US airport renamed after Muslim legend Muhammad Ali

The Louisville International Airport located in Kentucky, USA, has announced it …

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Glocal Religions

Glocal Religions

Edited by Victor Roudometof Printed Edition of the Special Issue Published …

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Rise of the Islamic University

Rise of the Islamic University

Islamic universities are beginning to spring up in countries around the …

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The race for first Muslim woman in US Congress

The race for first Muslim woman in US Congress

Amatul-Wadud is a mother of seven, a lawyer, a community activist …

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Muslims to become second-largest religious group in US, says report

By the year 2040, Muslims will replace Jews as the second-largest …

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Feds drop Muslim outreach program whose counseling teams were said to have sown mistrust

Feds drop Muslim outreach program whose counseling teams were said to have sown mistrust

Federal law enforcement officials, under fire by civil rights groups, have …

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Police investigate hate mail sent to UK and US mosques

Police investigate hate mail sent to UK and US mosques

Counter-terrorism police are investigating an apparent transatlantic anti-Muslim campaign after hate …

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