The American Society of Islamic Philosophy and Theology (ASIP&T)
October 20, 2022 2023-06-03 21:08The American Society of Islamic Philosophy and Theology (ASIP&T)

The American Society of Islamic Philosophy and Theology (ASIP&T)
The American Society of Islamic Philosophy and Theology (ASIP&T) is a collaborative fellowship of scholars who are dedicated to deep and sustained rationalist [‘aqli] inquiry into fundamental questions of Philosophy and Theology via traditional Islamic epistemologies. We create fellowship through conferences and collaborative research discussions, publishing the results thereof in academic journals and our curated and peer-reviewed web portal. We engage ecumenically across confessional and denominational lines as well as academic disciplines; we welcome all scholars and advanced students of Islam’s engagement with the “Big Questions”, those questions that are universally relevant across history and cultures, as well as questions particular to contemporary concerns in Muslim communities.
Annual Conferences
The annual Islamic Philosophy Conference was initiated at Harvard University (April, 2019) with participants coming from around the globe to present papers and engage in discussion over two days. The conferences are open to all interested scholars working on Islamic Philosophy and Theology. In addition to a general call for papers, conferences will include specialized panels organized by theme over the next three years (2020–22)
Journal of Islamic Philosophy
This unique journal is created specifically for the academic study of Islamic philosophy. The journal provides a peer-reviewed forum for scholars interested in the philosophical study of diverse topics in Islamic philosophy. Classical Islamic philosophy of past masters will be re-examined with a new focus. The underlying issues regarding the many ethical, metaphysical, existential, and epistemological challenges posed by western philosophy will be explored in comparison to Islamic philosophy. We hope to serve as an impetus toward the renewal of the rich and dynamic spirit of Islamic philosophical discourse in the current era.
In addition to The Journal of Islamic Philosophy’s print and digital journal, ASIPT’s Online Journal publishes scholarly and peer-reviewed studies whose appeal may extend beyond the academy. We welcome article-length submissions that actively address theological and philosophical problems via the Islamic intellectual tradition.