The Spanish region of Catalonia decides to teach Islam in public schools


The Spanish region of Catalonia decides to teach Islam in public schools

The Spanish region of Catalonia decided to teach the Islamic religion in public schools in the region with the start of the new academic year, starting from the current academic year 2020/2021, provided that education takes place from a perspective that serves as a unit in the world of diversity in society, and according to the cultures of Muslim families in Spain, and the details of the plan have been published.

With the increase in the number of Muslim students in the country and the increasing demands from Islamic societies, the teaching of Islam in Spanish public schools is essential, so that Islamic education in the country can be based on equality with other religions.

In Catalonia alone, there are more than 1.5 million Muslims out of two million Muslims in Spain, followed by Andalusia in the south, which has a population of more than 300,000 Muslims, followed by the capital, Madrid, which has a Muslim population of 280,000.

It should be noted that half of the Muslim community in Spain (42%) are indigenous, and the other half are immigrants.

Source: Tek Deeps

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