5 Facts about Muslim Millennials in the U.S.

5 Facts about Muslim Millennials in the U.S.

5 Facts about Muslim Millennials in the U.S.

The Muslim population in the United States is younger than the U.S. population at large. In fact, while Millennials make up 32% of all U.S. adults, they account for roughly half of American Muslim adults (52%). Muslim Millennials were born from 1981 to 1999 and generally came of age after 9/11. Most have transitioned to adulthood, and attended or graduated college. Some have embarked on careers or begun raising families. Here are five facts about Muslim Millennials:

1. While U.S. Muslims overall are largely an immigrant population (58%), Muslim Millennials are somewhat less likely to have been born abroad than are older Muslim adults (52% versus 64%), according to a 2017 Pew Research Center survey. (Within the general public, 15% of all Millennials are immigrants.) Racially and ethnically, 40% of Muslim Millennials identify as white (including Arabs and people of Middle Eastern ancestry), 29% as Asian (including people of Pakistani or Indian descent), 17% as black and 11% as Hispanic.

2. Muslim Millennials are as likely as older Muslim adults to say religion is “very important” in their lives and that they attend religious services at least weekly. This differs from the generational dynamic in some larger U.S. religious groups. Among Catholics, mainline Protestants and members of the historically black Protestant tradition, for example, Millennials are significantly less likely than their respective elders to say religion is very important to them, or that they attend religious services weekly.

3. Muslim Millennials are more likely than older American Muslims to say homosexuality should be accepted by society (60% versus 44%).

4. Muslim Millennials, like older Muslims, lean heavily Democratic (69%) – more so than Christian Millennials (47%) and the U.S. Millennial population as a whole (56%).

5. Muslim Millennials are less likely than older Muslim adults to say the American people are “generally friendly” toward Muslims in the U.S. (45% versus 65%). This does not mean that most Muslim Millennials find the American people unfriendly toward U.S. Muslims, however.

Source: Pew Research Center

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