Women are becoming more involved in U.S. mosques
Women continue to be less involved than men in mosque life …
Americans oppose religious exemptions from coronavirus-related restrictions
Few regular worshippers say their congregations are operating normally, and most …
Religion and Living Arrangements Around the World
Muslims and Hindus have larger households than Christians and religious ‘nones,’ …
Podcast: A Global Study on Government Restrictions and Social Hostilities Related to Religion
Restrictions on religion rose around the globe in 2016, according to …
5 facts about the religious makeup of the 116th Congress
The new Congress is slightly more religiously diverse than its predecessor, …
Study shows the U.S. attracts an elite Muslim and Hindu population
Hindus and Muslims who have migrated to the United States in …
Americans say religious aspects of Christmas are declining in public life
As long-simmering debates continue over how American society should commemorate the …
Why Americans go (and don’t go) to religious services
Many cite practical or personal reasons, rather than lack of belief, …
Republicans account for a small but steady share of U.S. Muslims
Many more U.S. Muslims identify with or lean toward the Democratic …
The Religious Typology
A new way to categorize Americans by religion Most U.S. adults …
In Western Europe, familiarity with Muslims is linked to positive views of Muslims and Islam
Across Western Europe, people who say they personally know a Muslim …
Measuring attitudes toward Muslims and Jews in Western Europe
The religious landscape of Western Europe is changing. The Christian population is …