Approved statement of IRIC by UN- Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)


Approved statement of IRIC by UN- Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

Islamic Research and Information Center (IRIC) issued a written statement to “High-Level Political Forum 2019 under the Auspices of ECOSOC” (Tuesday, 9 July, to Thursday, 18 July 2019 – New York) by the request of ECOSOC and it was entitled: Human Empowerment to Facilitate Effective Social Presence

The statement was approved by the related committee and it says that “The Secretary-General has received the following statement, which is being circulated (in 6 languages), in accordance with paragraphs 30 and 31 of Economic and Social Council resolution 1996/31:

“Observation of human rights and provision of democracy by governments are among preconditions for human empowerment to facilitate effective social presence. In a society with suppression, where there is no possibility of expressing comments, there will be also no motivation for social participation and the people are forced to obey the orders of the government. In addition, dictatorial governments do not allow equal and fair participation of all people in the society; consequently, the society loses its social and psychological health.

Psychological health is rooted in the social, cultural, economic, and even political factors and conditions which in turn is the reflection of the conditions of the society. In today’s world, given the technological advances and their direct impact on the quality of human life, in all its dimensions, including physical, psychological, spiritual and social health and factors affecting it, the issue of health has become significantly important. Therefore, the common goal of developing society at all local, national and international levels is enhancement of the quality of life, including human health.

Health has six different dimensions: physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual, sexual and social criteria. Today, many sociocultural factors affect the health of people in the society, one of which is religion and paying attention to spiritualties. Moral and religious teachings and instructions motivate individuals to effective social presence with the goal of acquiring greater satisfaction from God. Every human being should try to provide the chance for other society members to grow and further participate in the society. Religion is an innate human need regulating the social dimension and integrating the whole society.

In the meantime, the youth are considered as one of the main human resources of every society. The health of the youth is closely connected to the health of the whole society. Therefore, that healthy young people are the center of society’s development and they have a determining impact on the future development and advancement of the society. The fundamental and essential element in this process is the provision of security in the society among all institutions, organizations as well as other groups. To this end, the family plays a significant role among all institutions, organizations and social groups; so that without healthy families, no society can claim being healthy.

Looking at the researches completed in this field and the results of recent studies, participation of young people from other countries could be much more efficient if they have a good sense of integration in the society rather than feeling discrimination and prejudice. In the path to empowering the people, it should be behaved in such a way that no difference is felt between religious and racial minorities, etc. and all people should be able to freely participate in society’s affairs without facing any discrimination.””

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