Author: Islamic Monitor


Islam and the Future of Tolerance: The Movie

Director:  Jay Shapiro Producers:  Suzi Jamil and Desh Amila Islam and …

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Worcester Mosque feeds homeless people on New Year’s Day

Worcester Mosque has donated almost 200 dishes-worth of food, including desserts, …

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The Institute for the Study of Muslim Societies & Civilizations

Boston University The creation of the Institute for the Study of …

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Islam, Gender, and Democracy in Comparative Perspective

Edited by Jocelyne Cesari and José Casanova Publisher: Oxford University Press (April …

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Muslims to become second-largest religious group in US, says report

By the year 2040, Muslims will replace Jews as the second-largest …

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Muslims in the American Media: From Texts to Affects

Muslims in the American Media: From Texts to Affects

Article by Kathleen M Foody. Published in Journal of Islamic Studies. Much …

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A Historic Illustration of the Investiture of ʿAlī by the Prophet at Ghadīr Khumm

A Historic Illustration of the Investiture of ʿAlī by the Prophet at Ghadīr Khumm

Illustration of the investiture of ʿAlī by the Prophet at Ghadīr …

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Project: Reconsidering Muslim Marriage Practices in Europe

Project: Reconsidering Muslim Marriage Practices in Europe

A grant of £49,616 from the British Academy has given the …

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The Leiden University Shiʿi Studies Initiative (LUSSI)

The Leiden University Shiʿi Studies Initiative (LUSSI)

Research Program at Faculty of Humanities, Leiden University While many European …

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Charity launches festive TV ad to challenge view of British Muslims as anti-Christmas

Charity launches festive TV ad to challenge view of British Muslims as anti-Christmas

The first mainstream television advertisement by a Muslim charity will be …

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Mapping Shia Muslim Communities in Europe

Mapping Shia Muslim Communities in Europe

A special issue of the Journal of Muslims in Europe on ‘Mapping Shia Muslim …

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De-Centring Shi‘i Islam

  British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies Volume 45, 2018 – Issue …

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