Author: Islamic Monitor

Two years after slayings, these Muslims show hate cannot overpower love

Two years after slayings, these Muslims show hate cannot overpower love

More than 100 people attended the opening of the Light House, …

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Muslim leaders ask for national day of remembrance to mark mosque shooting

Muslim leaders ask for national day of remembrance to mark mosque shooting

Muslim leaders want governments to create plan to combat systemic racism, …

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The American Academy of Religion (AAR)

In 1909, Professor Ismar J. Peritz of Syracuse University conceived the …

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NFL players’ union expresses support for Muslim players in wake of Trump’s travel ban

The NFL Players Association expressed its support Thursday for Muslim players …

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Bern calls for new office to debate questions of religion

Is a burqa ban against the Swiss constitution? How do you …

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The Annual Believe and Do Good (BADG) Campaign

The Muslim Association of Britain (MAB) in co-ordination with The Federation of …

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Canadians form ‘rings of peace’ around mosques after Quebec shooting

Gunman shot dead six worshippers at Quebec mosque last week. Non-Muslims …

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The First Chair of Shia Studies in North America

President Heidi Hadsell is pleased to announce that Dr. Seyfeddin Kara …

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Grand Mosque of Paris pulls out of France-sponsored Muslim foundation

The powerful Grand Mosque of Paris will pull out of a …

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Ohio mosque is first to join sanctuary movement

A Cincinnati area mosque announced it would join the burgeoning church …

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Why Koran readings in Anglican churches preoccupy the mighty

Is it appropriate to read from the Koran during worship in …

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Press publishing ‘consistent stream’ of inaccurate stories about Muslims

UK media organizations have made string of corrections and retractions as …

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