Christians and Muslims in Early Medieval Italy: A Sourcebook

Christians and Muslims in Early Medieval Italy: A Sourcebook

Christians and Muslims in Early Medieval Italy: A Sourcebook

Christians and Muslims in Early Medieval Italy: A Sourcebook


Christians and Muslims in Early Medieval Italy: A Sourcebook

By Luigi Andrea Berto

Publisher: Routledge

Publication Date: July 31, 2023


In the early Middle Ages (ninth to eleventh centuries), Italy became the target of Muslim campaigns. The Muslims conquered Sicily, ruled her for more than two centuries, and conducted many raids against the Italian Peninsula. During that period, however, Christians and Muslims did not always fight each other. Indeed, sometimes they traded with the ‘other’ and visited the lands of the ‘other’.



By presenting the annotated English translation of the early medieval primary sources about how Muslims and Christians perceived each other, the circulation of news about them, and their knowledge of their opponents, this book aims to clarify the relationship between Muslims and Christians in early medieval Italy. Moreover, it proves that in that period the faithful of the Cross and those of the Crescent were not so ignorant of one another as is commonly believed.

Christians and Muslims in Early Medieval Italy: A Sourcebook is the ideal resource for upper-level undergraduates, postgraduates, and scholars interested in the relationships between Christians and Muslims in medieval Italy and the Mediterranean.


Table of Contents:

  1. Definitions and information about the other
  2. Religious Otherness
  3. Perceptions
  4. Some ‘Light’ in the ‘Darkness’
  5. Supernatural Events
  6. The Enemy is Coming
  7. Prisoners
  8. Going to the ‘Other’
  9. Encounters


About the Author

Luigi Andrea Berto is Professor of History at Western Michigan University, USA. His research focuses on medieval Italy and the Mediterranean, with a special interest in the use of the past in the medieval and modern periods, and the relationships between Christians and Muslims.

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