Behavioral problems of dogs and cats

آرین سمیعی
Last Update May 11, 2022
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About This Course

This course is designed specifically for dog owners or pet experts who want to be armed with information to make sure they give their dog the best quality of life. This course teaches you what you need to know about your dog and how to intelligently identify problem areas before it’s too late.

Learning Objectives

Learn to trim black or white nails on puppies and dogs
Have the essentials on hand if you need to bathe your dog at home
Learn what your dog's ears are telling you and how to clean their ears at home


  • Must love dogs

Target Audience

  • Dog Sitters & Dog Walkers
  • Dog Owners
  • Animal Shelter Staff


2 Lessons3h 15m

Bringing Your New Puppy or Dog Home

Mentally Challenge Your Dog
Learning through positive reinforcement

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All Levels
Duration 3.3 hours
2 lectures