2018–2019 Postdoctoral Associateship Program (non-stipendiary)

About The Event
Call for Applications
Postdoctoral Associateship Program: Advanced Historical Research in Islamic Art and Architecture
Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture at Harvard University
Application Deadline: March 1, 2018
The Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture is pleased to invite applications for self-supported Associateships to conduct advanced historical research in Islamic art, architecture, and archaeology at Harvard University. AKPIA Associateships are intended principally for overseas scholars–preferably, but not exclusively, from Muslim countries–to support research in art and architectural history and archaeology.
Our program’s Associate positions are not intended to sponsor professional design, conservation, or urban development projects, nor are they intended to support research travel. The recipient is expected to be in residence, except for one or two short research-related trips. Please note–these are unpaid Associate positions.
We welcome applications from senior scholars and from recent graduates. Research projects should preferably be publishable in the annual publication of the Aga Khan Program, Muqarnas: An Annual on the Visual Cultures of the Islamic World. It is potentially publishable, original projects will be given preference.
Applicants must have a doctoral degree (PhD, DPhil, or equivalent). A solid command of written and spoken English is required (the AKPIA lecture will be delivered in English). Associates must remain in Cambridge for the duration of the appointment.
An AKPIA Associate is an unpaid scholar given Harvard library and museum access in furtherance of a well-defined, specific research project. Associateships enable post-doctoral scholars greater flexibility in carrying out independent research. Associates are given access to Harvard’s extensive library system as well as the University’s museums. Associates are given the opportunity to participate in the AKPIA lecture series, A Forum for Islamic Art and Architecture, and departmental symposia.
Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture at Harvard University
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