Call for Publication of Tropos 2021 Magazine

About The Event
“Media, religion and religiousness in the digital age”
Publication Date: July 2021
Submission Deadline: December 20, 2020
The Tropos magazine, Communication, Culture and Society in partnership with the site academic Media, Religion and Society announces call for papers for the dossier “Media, religion and religiousness in the digital age.”
In digital media, the religious and the media intersect in several areas: in the reconfiguration of online religious practices by lay people (SOUSA, 2018; ROSA, SOUSA, 2017) and institutions (GOMES, 2010; CAMPBELL, 2020); in assuming prominent figures who challenge the clergy (TUDOR, HERTELIU, 2016; HOOVER, 2004; LOVHEIM, LUNDMARK, 2019); the intersection between religiosity and entertainment (CUNHA, 2016, MARTINO, 2015); in the formation of new religious groups by affinities that do not necessarily preserve the mediation of religious organizations; in the interconnections of the religious with other social fields, such as politics and culture (BRATOSIN, TUDOR, 2018), in the public expression of religion by laypeople in blogs and digital social networks (EVOLVI, 2019).
It is expected to receive contributions that address, preferably, but not only, the following topics:
• Reconfiguration of religious practices (rituals, liturgies, etc.) in relation to digital
• The presence of religious organizations in digital media: initiatives, products
• Formation of religious groups in digital environments
• Religious authority on the internet
• Religion, politics and internet
• Religion, entertainment and internet
• Religion and digital games
• Religion, gender and sexuality online
• The development of communities and religious identities online
• Journalism and religion in digital media
• Theologies for the digital world
• Religious conflicts in digital media
• Spirituality in online environments
• Hate speeches, religious intolerance and digital media
• Fakenews, religion and digital media
• Religious tolerance, ecumenism and digital media
We're always eager to hear from you.
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