CFP: Islamic Leadership: Towards a New Paradigm

About The Event
Call for papers
“Islamic Leadership: Towards a New Paradigm”
Special Issue of Australian Journal of Islamic Studies
Special Issue Editor: Dr Jan A. Ali, Western Sydney University
Publisher: Islamic Sciences & Research Academy of Australia (ISRA)
Submission Deadline: December 30, 2022
The Australian Journal of Islamic Studies invites professors, academics, and early career researchers to submit a paper for its upcoming Special Issue, titled: Islamic Leadership: Towards a New Paradigm. The journal welcomes the submission of articles and book reviews, in keeping with editorial guidelines and policies, as set out on the journal website.
According to Islamic ethos, the best leader humans have ever had was Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). He was an embodiment of an ideal leader who possessed a powerful vision and a message of unity inspiring and motivating away from self-seeking and self-serving and towards serving Allah through the service of humanity. He embodied the pattern of servant-leadership which helped him take the ignorant masses of Arabian Peninsula out of the miserable Arab Jahiliya (Age of Ignorance) lifestyle and transformed them into a thriving and reigning supreme new civilization.
The Special Issue of Australian Journal of Islamic Studies seeks to examine the crisis of Muslim societies in the modern world and its solution in new leadership paradigm. It seeks to address the following questions:
1. Is contemporary Islamic and Muslim crisis a crisis of Islamic leadership?
2. Do Muslims need a new leadership to bring them and their societies out of crisis?
3. Why is new Islamic leadership paradigm so important in the modern world?
4. Are there role model Muslim leaders that stand out as an exception to the crisis we are seeing in the Islamic leadership?
The Special Issue is designed to foster and disseminate ongoing and new research about Islamic leadership as a global phenomenon. The term “Islamic” is meant to connote prescription to a unique way of life originating from Qur’an and Prophet Muhammad’s lifestyle. By “leadership” it is meant an organizational framework as well as an established practice, thus, as an institution.
Call for papers are made to draw interests from across wide disciplines such as Islamic studies, history, political science, anthropology, and sociology in governmental, community, and academic sectors.
Special Issue Editor ( for further questions.
Submissions close: 30 December 2022
More information on: Australian Journal of Islamic Studies
Special Issue of Australian Journal of Islamic Studies
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