EASR 2019: “Religion – Continuations and Disruptions”

About The Event
17th Annual Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR)
Call for Papers
Date: June 25-29, 2019
Venue: Tartu, Estonia
Abstract Submission Deadline: December 15, 2018
Religions are works in progress. New ideas, doctrines and practices have appeared time and again and often spread across cultural and confessional boundaries.
The conference will focus on these and related questions, examining religious traditions worldwide. In addition, it calls for reflecting upon continuities and disruptions in the history of religious studies. Our conceptual tools, theoretical frameworks, methodologies and even the category of religion have been changing. Is it necessary to strive for unity in the discipline or rather celebrate the pluralism in the study of religions? And how to depict change, so that the complicated dynamic of religious transformation is also reflected through the conceptual tools we use?
Papers may include (but not be limited to) following topics:
• conceptual and theoretical reflections on terms and models
• methodological challenges in the study of ‘invisible’ religion and non-religion
• transformation and persistence in and of religious education
• social, political and gendered aspects of religious change
• tradition and creativity in vernacular religions
• discursive and ritual practices: continuity, change, disruption
• encounters and interactions between religious communities
• entanglements of media, digital world and religiosity
• inspirations, actions and reactions between religion and migration
• psychological, ecological and cognitive aspects of religious change and continuity
• agents and victims of change and disruption
• religious liminality and residuality
• materiality of religion
Conference Website: https://easr2019.org/
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