IRIC Academy: How to Introduce Divine Leadership (Imamate) to the Western Audience?

IRIC Academy: How to Introduce Divine Leadership (Imamate) to the Western Audience

About The Event

IRIC Academy: How to Introduce Divine Leadership (Imamate) to the Western Audience


IRIC Academy: How to Introduce Divine Leadership (Imamate) to the Western Audience?

Winter and Spring 2024

Duration: 14 Weeks

Date: Thursdays, February 15 to March 7, 2024 and April 18 to May 20, 2024

Time: 9:00 AM – 12:15 AM

Preregistration Deadline: February 12, 2024


Islamic Research and Information Center (IRIC) plans to hold a new training course entitled “How to Introduce Divine Leadership (Imamate) to the Western Audience?” in the winter and spring of 2024. This course will last for 14 weeks and will consist of the following units:

  • Divine Leadership (Imamate) in the Holy Quran
    • Dr Mir Masoud Fatemi
    • 14 Sessions in Persian
  • Unveiling the Intellectual Tapestry of Western Culture
    • Dr Fatemeh Taromi Rad
    • 4 Sessions in English
  • English for Islamic Studies: Divine Leadership
    • Dr Seyed Mostafa Safavi
    • 5 Sessions in English
  • Presenting Islam to the Westerners
    • Dr Mohammad Nahavandian
    • 5 Sessions in English


Registration Fee: 21.000.000 Rials*
* Limited scholarships are available for those who meet the requirements.

Essential Requirements: Basic Islamic Knowledge; Sufficient English speaking skills

For more information and pre-registration please visit

  • Cost: $45.00
  • Total Slot: 0
  • Booked Slot: 0

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Islamic Research & Information Center (IRIC)

کانون اسلامی انصار, Tehran, N Kargar, P99Q+2J5, Iran
Phone Number +982166946186

Our Speakers

Dr Fatemeh Taromi Rad
Dr Mir Masoud Fatemi
Dr Mohammad Nahavandian
Dr Seyed Mostafa Safavi
Register online, get your ticket, meet up with our inspirational speakers and specialists in the field to share your ideas.

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