International Conference of Capacity and Impact of Cyberspace in Promoting Religious Education

About The Event
Call for Papers
Date: October 19-20, 2017
Venue: Al-Mustafa Open University, Qom, I.R.Iran
Abstract Submission Deadline: June 20, 2017
Organized by Deputy of Research Department in Seven Languages: Persian, Arabic, Azeri, Turkish, Urdu, English and French
Al-Mustafa Open University (MOU) invites all professors, scholars, researchers and graduated students to submit their papers to the first international conference under the title of “Capacity and Impact of Cyberspace in Promoting Religious Education”. MOU is holding this conference in order to bring together academics and researchers to discuss about the capacity of web-based and virtual education and to exchange ideas regarding the ways to promote Religious Studies in cyberspace with no limitation of time and place.
Conference Topics:
- Educational capacities of cyberspace;
- The role of cyberspace in interfaith dialogue;
- The role of cyberspace in developing and strengthening peaceful interfaith coexistence;
- Cultural impacts of virtual system on the behavior of religious studies students;
- Analysis of the status quo of religious education on cyberspace;
- The role of states and religious organizations in web-based teachings (in order to promote religious education);
- Strategies of institutions for web-based religious education;
- The mutual role of virtual and face-to-face education in transferring religious knowledge;
- Analysis of the level of promoting religious education in web-based teachings;
- Opportunities and challenges of religious education based on new communication technologies;
- The impact of applications on religious education (particularly digital libraries and data banks);
- Analysis of web-based religious education;
- Religious education in cyberspace in the contemporary world;
- Last achievements of religious education in cyberspace;
- New technologies and their role in the development of web-based religious education;
- Future studies of religious education based on virtual learning.
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