Losing My Religion: A Disputed Conference

About The Event
Date: April 22-23, 2017
Venue: Yorkshire & London
This unique conference gathers together some of the most prominent Muslim community leaders in the West to bring solutions to the following problems, and restore the confidence and hope that is so essential to develop for our coming generations.
– If there wasn’t enough to be depressed about concerning the treatment of Muslims in the traditional hotspots of the world, surely we are close to crisis point for Muslim communities in the West too.
– Rampant Islamophobia, the rise of the Far-Right, Islamic principles and practices under unprecedented attack, and not just insults and abuse but the loss of life too – the list could go on.
– These are just the external threats, what then of the internal doubts? Constantly being asked to prove our loyalty has made us genuinely feel foreign in our own countries.
– As Muslims come under pressure to maintain their creed in this difficult period of history, the numbers being lost as they succumb to ideological challenges is frightening. People are confused about their identities. People are losing their religion. To safeguard our future, we must strengthen ourselves in every single aspect of life.
- Nouman Ali Khan
- Yasir Qadhi
- Tariq Ramadan (London Only)
- Shenaz Bunglawala
- Abu Eesa Niamatullah
- Omar Suleiman
- Maryam Amir
Conference Website: www.losingmyreligionconference.com
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