Muslims in the UK and Europe

About The Event
Annual Graduate Symposia
Call for Papers
Date: June 2020
Venue: Moller Centre, Moller Centre, Churchill College, University of Cambridge, UK
Organized by: The Centre of Islamic Studies at the University of Cambridge
The Centre of Islamic Studies (CIS) organizes an annual postgraduate symposium on “Muslims in the UK and Europe”. The aim is to bring together graduate students from British, European and American universities to present their research to their peers, discuss their findings and engage in debate about the issues that face Muslims in the European context. Topics vary widely, from Sufism to Salafism, from charity to burial rites, religious travel to therapy, Islamophobia, deradicalization initiatives and more.
The Centre invites scholars of Islam to attend the symposium proceedings and act as mentors and commentators. Keynote speakers have also been invited to address major issues on Muslims and Islam in the British and European contexts. These senior academics and thinkers offer insightful reflections on the relationship between ‘Islam’, reflexivity, and the possibility for creative rethinking of social issues in the UK and Europe.
A product of the symposium is a publication of edited papers which provide a range of topical essays on Islam and Muslims in the Europe. The “Muslims in UK and Europe” series are available to download from the Publications page.
The next ‘Muslims in the UK and Europe Postgraduate Symposium’ will take place in June 2020 at the Moller Centre. The event is a closed event due to the limited number of attendees we are permitted at the venue.
How to Apply
The University of Cambridge Centre of Islamic Studies invites applications from current Masters and PhD candidates to present their research on issues pertaining to Muslims in the UK and Europe, from any discipline. The postgraduate symposium is a platform for students to present and exchange current research on any topic in this field in a dynamic forum. While historical or theoretical context is valuable, we invite papers also to present, analyze or interpret research findings, data or material.
Applications for the 2020 Symposium will open soon.
More information on: The Centre of Islamic Studies (CIS)
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